# of watchers: 13
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2009-04-18 [Flisky]: *laughs* Wonderful.
2009-04-18 [Thunder Cid]: Thank ya thank ya.
2009-04-18 [Alexi Ice]: Shouldn't you explain for the sake of this contest what a Haiku is? People on ET can be kind of lazy (myself included)
2009-04-18 [Thunder Cid]: No. This is a contest, not a help wiki. There are plenty of reference site to use on the net. All ya gotta do is pull on up.
2009-04-18 [Thunder Cid]: See. http://www.wik
2009-04-18 [Flisky]: Do we submit under "entries" then?
2009-04-18 [Thunder Cid]: *looks up at submissions* Methinks it what it says XP
2009-04-18 [Flisky]: *holds hands up defensively* Hey, you never know. :P
2009-04-18 [Flisky]: How many can we enter???
2009-04-18 [Thunder Cid]: Unless it says so in black and green :P
2009-04-18 [Lothuriel]: Dude, you are on a roll, hehe
2009-04-18 [Thunder Cid]: I'm just building my reputation up a little more. I may even have another one up in the next few days.
2009-04-18 [Flisky]: Haha. I'm first. With something really corny, too.
2009-04-18 [Alexi Ice]: That was embarrasing...
2009-04-18 [Thunder Cid]: *rolls eyes*
2009-04-18 [Alexi Ice]: ...>> So. Not. My. fault...or maybe it was? oh well. My haiku rocks. (Not really)
2009-04-18 [Linderel]: *pounces* Why was I not aware of this one?
Also, I'd like to know the answer to [Flisky]'s question on entry limits.
2009-04-18 [Thunder Cid]: I just finished building it.
2009-04-18 [Flisky]: Yay!
2009-04-18 [Alexi Ice]: It says five submissions per person, Lin ^^
2009-04-18 [Linderel]: That was added after the question. ;)
2009-04-18 [Alexi Ice]: I know, I just noticed it ^^ LOl. Just making sure you noticed it too (I don't think I could manage five of those things.)
2009-04-18 [moira hawthorne]: 5 IS ALOT... 3 MAY BE MANAGEABLE... BUT YOU DO AS MANY UP TO 5 AS YOU LIKE... opppppps caplock
2009-04-18 [Linderel]: I've written more than five in the past couple of years. xD
2009-04-18 [Alexi Ice]: Caps lock is a bitch. IDK, I like poetry but not so much structured poetry which is why it's kind of hard for me. I hardly managed the one.
2009-04-18 [Linderel]: Ah, I had the same thing at your age. Then I gained some confidence and started challenging myself. Nowadays, I love to try new forms and am totally in love with haikus especially.
2009-04-18 [Alexi Ice]: I might start trying it eventually but for now I am good ^^ Lazy people have problems with challenging themselves (JK)
2009-04-18 [Linderel]: Psssch, I'm lazy too, that's not a valid excuse in the long run. :P
2009-04-19 [moira hawthorne]: my keyboard has issues... there are certain keys which stick... caplocks is one of them... the 2 @ key sometime wont work at all... there are others that are bothersome... but those two are the worse
2009-04-19 [Alexi Ice]: I feel your pain Moira, mine does the same thing.
Lin - O.o Crap...your right...!
2009-04-19 [Artsy]: Mines missing a shift key! ^^ lol, and my . button is sticking lately, up unfortunately, so i can't put . very easily any more
2009-04-24 [Linderel]: Added a link to this contest on Writing Contests.
2009-04-28 [Artsy]: ummm [LinkTurrner], your second line is 1 syllable too long...
2009-04-28 [LinkTurrner]: ok I'll change it
2009-06-12 [*Phoenix*]: hello!!!
2009-06-20 [Caterin S.]: Hiya, I've been stalking this competition for a few days and I was planning to participate. I was just interested in knowing is there restrictions with the language? If I'd write some haikus in other language than English, but provided translation with them, would it be okey or is it English only?
2009-06-21 [*Phoenix*]: I would ask [Thunder Cid]....he owns the wiki......
2009-06-21 [Flisky]: I don't see why not. As long as it follows the haiku format and has been translated so we who don't speak so many languages can understand it. ^_^
(I'm not speaking for Cid, but I kinda am. Sorry, hun, hope you don't mind.)
2009-06-21 [Thunder Cid]: I don't mind as long as you provide a translation to each haiku.
2009-06-21 [Caterin S.]: Great, thanks [Thunder Cid] and [Flisky]. :) I shall put my mind to it and create something...
2009-06-28 [Leb]: [moira hawthorne] I love your Haiku! Is it supposed to be happy or sad?, 'cause I definitely feel both.
2009-06-28 [moira hawthorne]: thx u... no I didnt intend it to be happy or sad... just it be
2009-07-01 [Deus Ex Taco]: [*Phoenix*], your haiku is amazing :D
2009-07-05 [Artsy]: This life is that wondrous life. It's all in how you look at it. ^^ Life doesn't suck as much as people would like you to think. You just have to feel a little delusional to break the brain washing society has done to most of us. -_-'
2009-07-09 [smakeupfx]: A Hauku Contest!
I love it I really do
wish I could do them
2009-07-09 [Thunder Cid]: Oh how that's unique
I haven't seen that before
I love sarcasm
2009-07-12 [*Phoenix*]: Thanks, [Deus Ex Taco]!!!!!!
2009-07-16 [Evolution X]: Oh God, I was caught Hiuku'ing... now they want me to write them for the talent contest >_>
2009-07-16 [smakeupfx]: Tell them you just can't
They take too much time to do
Then just go away
2009-07-16 [Artsy]: Damn, Evo-kun. o.o'
2009-07-16 [Artsy]: I like #25. And I'm not sure if #26's third line has 5 syllables or 6. Depends on how you pronounce 'another' I guess. ^^''
2009-07-16 [Evolution X]: I pronounce it "Ann-nother", so for me it's two sylables... Does accent count in these? Cause I can't think in an american accent very well... I get a headache.
2009-07-16 [Artsy]: I'm not apposing it. Just sometimes it's pronounced 'an-oth-er' but it depends where you put the accent, or 'emphasis' on the word.... It's fine, I just like counting syllables....
2009-07-16 [Evolution X]: I'm more worried about "Idiocracy", whether it means what I think it does and whether it is four, five or six sylables.
2009-07-16 [Artsy]: id-ee-ah-crah-
Idiocracy- Peculiarity of constitution; that temperament, or state of constitution, which is peculiar to a person
so... i guess it works in this case...
2009-07-16 [Evolution X]: Woots ^_^ Now I'm wondering where I got the word from >_>
2009-07-16 [Artsy]: Good one, [sweet.tx.tea]. ^^ #32
2009-07-16 [sweet.tx.tea]: XD Thank you.
2009-07-20 [Nioniel]: *submits*
2009-07-20 [Nioniel]: [sweet.tx.tea], you've got 6 insted of 5.
Just so you know.
2009-07-20 [sweet.tx.tea]: AGh! Thank you! Apparently, I cannot count. >.<
2009-07-20 [sweet.tx.tea]: Number -should- be fixed.
2009-07-20 [Nioniel]: :)
Great poems by the way!
2009-07-20 [sweet.tx.tea]: Aw! Thanks so much!
2009-07-21 [Evolution X]: Tis awesomeness >_>
2009-07-29 [another brick in the wall]: I have two questions:
are comical haikus allowed, or do they have to be serious?
and no matter how I work with mine, the last line falls short one syllable without making it sound rather unnatural.. could I still enter it in with one syllable short?
2009-07-30 [Thunder Cid]: They can be comical, they just have to be yours.
And no. They must follow the guidelines issued above.
2009-08-08 [Nioniel]: Tis closed now, yes? When will we know the results?
2009-08-08 [Thunder Cid]: It'll be a minute. Work is dragging out something fierce.
2009-09-09 [Alexi Ice]: Already entered, Cilla <3 (I'm # 2) Thanks for the invite, though!
2009-09-09 [Evolution X]: Hmmmmmmms.... Hope we get the results soon
2009-09-10 [Delilah88]: I believe I've already voted as well!
2009-09-11 [Artsy]: Where is the poll?
2009-09-11 [Alexi Ice]: Top of the page.
2009-10-21 [sweet.tx.tea]: o.o I do not see it. Am I blind?
2009-10-21 [Alexi Ice]: Well now it's closed O.o IDK where it went
2009-10-21 [Thunder Cid]: Are you looking for the entries?
2009-10-21 [sweet.tx.tea]: The poll. Is there a poll?
2009-10-21 [Thunder Cid]: There was but this has been closed for ages now, I'm just coming of my break and I'm starting to clean everything up for the next contest.
2009-10-21 [sweet.tx.tea]: Ah! Okay! Just checking. I know I voted, I just freaked out because I thought I was missing it...Looooong day with no coffee!
2009-10-21 [Thunder Cid]: No worries. Since I have badges finally I'll probably open up again in about 2 weeks.
2009-10-21 [sweet.tx.tea]: Woot! XD
2009-11-14 [Thunder Cid]: Alright we are open for business again.
2009-11-14 [Linderel]: *cough* You might want to change the deadline... unless you mean for us all to dabble in time travel.
2009-11-14 [Thunder Cid]: Well someone needs to do it :P
Sorry, I'll fix it now.
2009-11-26 [*Phoenix*]: Who are the winners?
2009-11-26 [Thunder Cid]: Evolution X Best in Show
A Phoenix Rising 1st place
Flisk_girl 2nd place
Badger Badger Badger Taco 3rd place
2009-12-20 [*Phoenix*]: What do you think? I hope you like it!
2009-12-20 [Thunder Cid]: Works for me ^^
2009-12-20 [Evolution X]: sooooo... we can start them now? Or do we wait for you to say go?
2009-12-20 [Thunder Cid]: I'm pretty sure I opened it, but in case not GO!
2009-12-20 [Evolution X]: ok... hang on... doing work at the moment... >_>
2009-12-21 [*Phoenix*]: Yay! Thankies! :0]
2010-01-15 [Evolution X]: Woo, finally pulled myself up and did some...
2010-02-06 [*Phoenix*]: Hey guys check out this contest I found.
It's a Haiku contest and you can win money too. I thought I'd let you all know. :)
2010-03-02 [Leb]: Wonder why [Thunder Cid] hasn't been on for a few days...
2010-03-02 [Nioniel]: He's got a lot going on in real life right now.
2010-03-02 [Leb]: Aww! :'-(
2010-03-30 [Thunder Cid]: No worries I'm still alive.
2010-03-30 [Evolution X]: Woots
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